
Understanding the Importance of Validating Non-Published Health Research and Its Impact on Outcomes: Why Nullius in Verba is Significant

Science is under assault world-wide. Thus, the underlying principle of empirical science, the Latin term cited in the title ”Nullius in Verba” — which means: “Don’t take anybody’s word for it”, is probably under question too.  Many believe that the operative slogan now is this; “Take anybody’s word for it” (assuming that that particular “anyone” […]


Hotspotting, Superutilizers, and Avoiding “RTM Traps”

A recent study in the New England Journal of Medicine reported on the results of a “hotspotting” program created by the Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers (Camden Coalition). Hotspotting targets interventions at all or a subset of healthcare superutilizers – the 5% of patients that account for 50% of annual healthcare spending. The results of the study were disappointing. While […]

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Loveland, Ohio 45140
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